Sokoloff Lawyers

346 reviews
120 Scollard Street , Toronto , Ontario , M5R 1G2 , Canada
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By Sokoloff Client

5 Oct 26, 2014
法律运用自如 办案稳操胜券 2006年秋, 我老伴过公路时被一辆违章抢道的汽车撞击, 当即倒地不醒人事, 被立即送到医院抢救. 经检查头骨裂缝性骨折、颅内出血、左胸第3、第4肋骨骨折、左手拳骨和胫骨列纹、背部和臀部肌肉严重损伤. 当时我们刚刚移民来到加拿大,人地生疏,举目无亲. 我们的朋友向我们推荐了SOKOLOFF律师楼作为法律代表,向肇事者提出赔偿要求,以维护自身正当权益. 但是在整个办案过程中,被告方并不配合,极力设置重重障碍.多亏 WENDY SOKOLOFF 律师和她的法律顾问沈先生, 运用自如的使用法律武器, 真心实意地维护受害人的利益, 恰到好处的把握赔偿的尺度, 义正词严的征服对方的狡辩, 终于迫使对方答应了我方提出的最理想的赔偿数额, 从而不仅维护了法律的尊严,而且使受害者的权益得到保障. 通过这次案件索赔,我们感到: SOKOLOFFLAWYERS 律师楼是出色的法律捍卫者,是受害者忠实可靠的代理人! 我们强烈推荐所有不幸遭受车祸和意外伤害的朋友, 尽早同他们联系, 您的利益一定能得到保障, 正义一定能得以伸张! 我们全家真诚地感谢SOKOLOFFLAWYERS和沈先生的大力支持与帮助! 受害人家属: 周先生 加拿大, 多伦多
By Sokoloff Client

5 Oct 19, 2014
Wendy is such a good lawyer. She is very reasonable, explained everything thoroughly to me and I really trust her. She keep her word! I want to say big thank you to Wendy Sokoloff and all of her staff. - Selva J -
By Sokoloff Client

5 Aug 4, 2014
I was hit by a car in 2007 and had retained other lawyers before a friend of mine recommended Wendy Sokoloff. I am very glad they did. From the moment I switched to Wendy Sokoloff as my lawyer in 2011 the difference was immediate. She is a classy,sweet, strong lady who is extremely intelligent and knows what she is doing. She will get you what you want and does not back down. It is easy to trust her and follow her guidance as she will not steer you wrong. Put your faith in Wendy Sokoloff. She goes above and beyond for her clients. I am glad I came to her as she has made a huge difference in my case. I only wish I came to her sooner. Thank you Wendy and your team for being in my corner. - Erin Goulais -
By Sokoloff Client

5 Jul 20, 2014
In 2006 I was involved in a very bad car accident that left me in excruciating pain and unable to work. I retained the services of a lawyer and two years later I was still paying for my own treatment and this lawyer was not making any effort to push my claim forward. That is when I retained the services of Wendy Sokoloff and what a difference it made. In the first year of having Wendy as my lawyer I received a series of assessments and obtained my income replacement. I also was able to get the treatment that I so desperately needed thanks to a protected account that was established by Wendy. Treatments and reimbursements that I never received with my previous lawyer were finally becoming available to me. When the time came to settle my claim Wendy surpassed all of my expectations. Not only did I receive a huge settlement I also had money for future treatment and peace of mind. Having went through such a horrific experience with my car accident I cannot stress the importance of having a capable and compassionate lawyer on your side. The amount of effort and determination that was shown by Wendy exceeded all of my expectations. I can now enjoy my life and though I am still in pain I have financial relief and that is so important for my quality of life. This would have not been possible if I stayed with my first lawyer. I am more than thrilled that I made the decision to go with Wendy, and I suggest you do the same. - Katherina Sulimierski -
By Sokoloff Client

5 Jul 1, 2014
Wendy Sokoloff and her team are tireless champions for the rights of injury victims. Unwavering focus, and a long term commitment (8 years) her team performed a thorough case investigation, calling upon a variety of resources and professional experts to help our son (and us) deal with his physical chronic pain as well as his psychological and emotional injuries. Wendy and her legal assistant Vasanda Idahosa supported our entire family as we were suffering from the trauma of having an injured child. Wendy and Vasanda are always quick to respond to our phone calls and emails with clarity, patience and understanding easing the stress of our journey. Wendy’s personal commitment, gentle demeanor and easy-going style (with us as her clients) made for simple understanding of our son’s complex case issues and strategy. Her law firm combines great legal skill and huge compassion for those who are victims of personal injury. As parents, we have confidence in Wendy and trusted her recommendations over an ever changing 8 year long case timeline. We appreciated Wendy’s tenacity and fierce advocacy for our son’s case, which achieved a settlement after many struggles and legal challenges. We will never be able to thank Wendy, Vasanda and the Sokoloff team enough for all their efforts easing us through the process. We highly recommend Wendy Sokoloff and the firm of Sokoloff Laywers for personal injury case. Many thanks again - Ivo Bordignon and Judy Dunlap -
By Sokoloff Client

5 Jun 15, 2014
I would like to thank Wendy & Karen for both being very helpful with my case. I do wish that I had been familiar with Sokoloff Lawyers at the time I had been injured and I would have had them represent me as my counsel through the entire case, where as things did turn out good at the end of the case they could have turned out much better. I did appreciate the way Wendy was able to relieve us of a lot of our debt that we had incurred because of living expenses while this case had carried on. Karen Currie was always quick to respond to any questions at all that I had concerning the case. I would definitely consider Karen to be the best law clerk that I have ever communicated with. Different law firms that I have dealt with in the past, it always seemed that the law clerks would be avoiding me, thus leaving me without answers to any questions in regards to my case. I would say that Sokoloff Lawyers is an excellent law firm!!!!! I have already mentioned Sokoloff Lawyers to friends, family, many strangers and will continue to do so in the future. - Colleen -
By Sokoloff Client

5 Jun 10, 2014
As I had mentioned before Colleen and myself are very thankful for the service that you have given us. We do not know where we would be at this time if it had not been for you and your staff. Once again Wendy, thank you very much. - Thomas -
By Sokoloff Client

5 May 22, 2014
Sokoloff Lawyers was of great help to me, not only with the case but even psychologically speaking. I was given all the support, information and guidance I needed to deal with my case at all times. I was also able to get updates regularly from the staff as to how my case was progressing and what to do at each step of the litigation. Sokoloff Lawyers are the best lawyers I have ever met, great dedicated staff. Without their help I would not have been able to make it through all the litigation procedures until the final resolution of my cases. Sokoloff Lawyer’s staff was specially supportive for me all the time. I am very thankful for all the work they have done with my cases. - Nelly Vernaza -
By Sokoloff Client

5 Feb 27, 2014
我三年前在一次车祸中受伤。在我漫长的康复过程中,SOKOLOFF律师行给了我巨大的支持。沈峒昕先生专门负责我的案子, 安排伤情评估, 康复治疗, 多次联系保险公司以使我及时得到事故福利金, 等等. Adam Moras先生参加了最后与保险公司的谈判, 为我争取到令人满意的赔偿金. 他们的专业精神给我留下深刻印象. 我非常感激他们的帮助, 并愿向所有需要类似服务的人推荐SOKOLOFF LAWYERS。 - S.W. -
By Sokoloff Client

5 Feb 22, 2014
非常感谢贵公司全体同仁对我的鼎力帮助。 Great appreciation to Wendy, Robert and all of your colleague for your knowledge, professionalism, integrity, strategic thinking, enthusiasm, and responsiveness. I was very satisfied with what you said and did during two year fight with the insurance. I would like to say I was very lucky to retain with your firm. It has been shown a pleasant switch from the previous paralegal to your firm. Your dedication and concern in my case is highly appreciated. I would love to recommend your firm to others since my personal experience with you and Wendy is enjoyable and splendid. I can’t find a suitable word to express my excitement in my final settlement. I was very pleased with the quality, attentiveness of your services. I found Wendy to be very knowledgeable on personal injury law matters as they came up, and a real expert in finance issues. She always acted as a true friend to me, and became a trusted advisor. - Gilbert Li -