By Sokoloff Client

5 Jan 8, 2018
…Sokoloff Lawyers was critical, instrumental and paramount to my obtaining proper care…. There is no course to prepare you for the experience of getting the proper care you deserve when in an accident. Sokoloff lawyers was critical, instrumental, and paramount to my obtaining the proper care that I had expected my insurance company to provide. Little did I know the process would amount to the insurance company preying on the most vulnerable of our society. The insurance industry is NOT your friend, over the course of almost 4 years, We were subjected to endless games. I suffered a closed head injury that has left me unable to live a normal life, destroyed my career, traumatized my entire family, upended our lives in every negative way imaginable, and destroyed our financial efforts to date. It’s bad enough, having to live in a significantly depreciated state for the rest of your life, it’s beyond salting the wound to treat anyone in such an inhumane manner such as the insurance company, compounding the injury and its effects at every turn. Scott Selly